The Guide List module allows you to include a list of Guides as a section in your Resource Center. For example, imagine you'd like to setup a quick "Getting Started" section in your Resource Center so employees can find the guidance they need in a centralized location. The Guide List can be configured to contain several guides, so employees can access them in your "Getting Started" section. There is no limit to the amount of guides which can be included in the Guide List.
Adding The Guide List Module
Click Add Module
Select Module (Guide List)
Click Add Module
There are two "+ Add Modules" buttons available to add the Guide List module. The first is located on the Home (1) tile and the second one (2) is found beneath the Preview button. Underneath the module tile is the Module Type (3). If the module doesn't have any content, it will not be shown.
Adding Content to the Guide List
Click “Edit” (1) in the top right hand side of the Content section.
Click the box to the left of the Guide(s) you'd like to add to the Module. Each time you add a Guide to the Guide List it will appear in the Content section.
Guide List Dashboard
Guides you've added to the Guide List appear in a dashboard view.
Name - Internal-facing name of the Guide. Employees will not see this.
Display Name - Employee-facing name of the guide. For example, the Guide may be called “Opps” in your Guides section, but here you may want to call it “How To Name Your Opp” for employees.
Status - Whether or not the guide is publicly available. Statuses include Draft, Public, or Disabled.
Segment - Which segment of your users can see this guide in their Resource Center as well as in the application itself.
Existing Guide Activation - How the guide is activated.
Page Location - Page or pages the guide displays on.
Edit Module Header
Hover over the sub-header's name
Click to begin editing
Press enter to save your changes
Delete Module
Click the trash can icon located above the Segment tile.
Change Guide Display Name
Click "Edit" then hover over the Display Name. Click on a Guide's display name to begin editing it.