Guides overview

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Guides allow you to deliver personalized, in-app guidance to support and engage employees with contextual help across apps. Use guides to help prevent users from getting stuck and provide personalized self-help resources.

Access Guides from the left-side menu. The Guides page consists of two tabs: Overview and Guide Alerts.

The Overview tab 

The Overview tab lists all guides in your subscription and offers the following filtering options at the top of the page: segment, timeframe, applications, status (public, scheduled, draft, staging, or disabled), activation type, expiration status (active or expired), and created by. You can also search for a guide using the search functionality in the top right of the filters section.

The segment and timeframe dropdown menus are also available in an individual guide's Metrics tab when you open a guide to view its details.


From the Guides table you can:

  • Open an individual guide to view more details.
  • Complete basic guide actions directly from within the table, like changing the guide status or deleting a guide.
  • Download the displayed list of guides by the columns in the table as a CSV file using the download icon in the top right of the table. This file doesn't contain examples of guide content or identifiable visitor or account information unless named in a guide's name or segment.
  • Add, remove, and rearrange columns in the table using the icon in the top right of the table. The first column is always Guide Name and can't be removed. You can change the name of the guide from the guide's Settings page.


You can choose to add, remove, or move the following columns:

  • Application. The application that the guide displays over.
  • Status. Where the guide is in your publication flow (Draft, Staged, Scheduled, Public, or Disabled).
  • Target Segment. The segment that the guide is targeted at.
  • Created by. The email address of the internal user that created the guide.
  • Last updated by. The email address of the internal user that last updated the guide.
  • Last updated date. The date and time that the guide was last updated.
  • Activation. How the guide is activated. For information about the available activation options, see Guide activation.
  • # of Steps. The number of steps in the guide.
  • Guide Views. The number of views that the guide has received within the specified date range.
  • Edit with. Whether the guide was edited with the Visual Design Studio (legacy) or Adopt Studio.

The Guide Alerts tab

The Guide Alerts tab provides a list of alerts for each guide step that doesn't display for a visitor within a specified amount of time. For more information about this tab, see Guide disaply alerts.


Create a guide

This section summarizes how to create a guide in the Adopt Studio. For full instructions, see Guide Designer: Adopt Studio.

  1. Select + Create Guide in the top-right corner of the Guides page.

  2. Enter a name for your guide, select a target application, and enter the URL.

  3. Choose a starting point for your guidance: Guide, Badge, Confirmation, or Automation. For more information about these options, see Guide activation.

  4. Select Launch Adopt Studio in the bottom-right corner. This opens Adopt Studio as an overlay in the target URL in a new tab.

Change the status of a guide

You can change the status of a guide from within the details page of the guide or from the Status column in the Guides Overview tab. The status of a guide changes as soon as you choose one of the status options from the dropdown menu. The available status options are:

  • Public. Indicates that the guide has been published and visible to the target visitors. The guide is available to the segment you've defined for that guide and appears in the location you defined on all environments, including your designated staging servers. For information about creating staging environments for guides, see Guide staging.
  • Scheduled. Indicates that the guide has been scheduled to become Public at a specific date and time. This option only appears in the dropdown menu once you've defined the schedule period in the Scheduling tile in the Settings page of the individual guide. 
  • Draft. Indicates that a guide is still being designed. The guide doesn't appear in any environment and can still be edited. 
  • Disabled. Indicates that the guide was once published and is no longer Public.
  • Staged. Indicates that the guide is only visible on your designated staging servers for testing and validation. For information about creating staging environments for guides, see Guide staging.

Delete a guide

Deleting a guide from the Guides list permanently removes the Guide from your subscription and can't be undone. Hover over the guide and select the Delete (trash can) icon. You are then asked to confirm this action before it's permanently removed from the subscription.


If, instead of permanently deleting a guide, you want to unpublish a public guide, you can change its status.

Preview a guide

To preview a guide, hover over the guide in the Guides list and select the Preview (play) icon. You are then prompted to enter the URL for where you'd like to see your guide. 


Copy a guide

To copy a guide, hover over the guide in the Guides list and select the Clone icon. You are then taken to a guide details page with the title of the guide being "copy of [name of the Guide]". The guide is automatically given the Draft status.


If you have access to more than one subscription and one to copy a guide to a different subscription, hover over the guide and select the Copy to Subscription icon. A side panel opens and prompts you to choose a subscription and application to copy the guide to. Select Copy Guide to copy the guide over to your selected subscription. You can also do this for multiple guides. For instructions, see Bulk copy guides.
