External Content Module

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The External Content Module allows you to create an iframe that points to a page on the Web so that you can display external resources in the Resource Center. The External Content Module follows the same publishing process as other Resource Center modules, and allows for segmentation at the module level.

Traditionally, Resource Centers in Pendo Engage utilize Code Sandbox modules to deliver custom integrations pointing to external resources. However, these modules aren't configurable with the the Pendo Launcher extension. The External Content Module in Pendo Adopt solves this.

Note: Currently, we can't determine if a site is allowing itself to be iframed or not. You can, however, use the preview function in the Resource Center. If the site previews successfully, it works. If the preview doesn't work, then the site can't be iframed.


This feature requires a minimum Pendo agent version of 2.115.0.

Add an External Content Module

To add an External Content Module to your Resource Center:

1. Navigate to Resource Center from the left-side navigation.




2. Find and open the Resource Center you want to add the External Content Module to.

This takes you to a Draft view of your Resource Center, which isn't visible to your users. If you've published the Resource Center, you can also see a public view by selecting the View Public tab at the top.


3. Select + Add Modules in the top-right of the Draft view of your Resource Center. You can also add a module by hovering over one of the panels in the draft and selecting + Add Module




4. Select External Website and then Add Module at the bottom of the page. This module allows you to create an iframe that points to a page on the web.




5. Preview the Website URL (1) to see which sites can be iframed in your Resource Center. Not every site can be iframed. This free tool allows you to see if the site you're considering can be iframed. You can also choose to make the External Content Module visible to a segment of your users through the Segment tile (2).




6. Save the previewed URL.

If the site previews successfully, it displays in the Content section. In the preview, you can scroll through the page and experience the site the way your users would before saving.

In the following example, snappages.com has been previewed successfully and the site can be displayed through the External Content Module.




7. Save the Module.

Once you save the previewed URL, you're prompted to save the External Content Module itself. This saves your External Content Module to the Draft version of your Resource Center.



Make the External Content Module public

After adding an External Content Module to your Resource Center, you need to make it publich. To make the External Content Module public, publish the draft using the dropdown menu in the top-right of the Resource Center.



Frequently Asked Questions

Does the External Content module work with all websites?

Some sites prevent themselves from being iframed. If the site doesn’t allow the iframe module to lead, the frame won’t load in the Preview.

How do I check whether a Webpage or link is embeddable?

One way of checking whether a Webpage or link is embeddable is by going to iframely. This tool can convert a URL or links into an embeddable format, if possible.