Adopt users that have access to more than one subscription can bulk copy guides from one subscription to another. The most common use case for bulk copying guides is when you have two subscriptions that share a common application.
If there are Pages and Features in the source subscription that don’t exist in the target subscription, bulk copying guides also allows you to map Pages and Features from the source subscription to existing or new Pages and Features in the target subscription.
Warning: Once guides are copied from a source subscription to a target subscription and application, the segment is set to Everyone and the guide status is set to Draft, even if the original guides you copy are public and have custom segments. Review your copied guides and reconfigure their segment and status as these settings are modified during the copying process.
Bulk copying your guides involves the following steps:
- Select the guides you want to copy over to another subscription.
- Select your target subscription and application.
- Map guide Pages and Features (if needed).
- Copy the guides to your target subscription and application.
- Review and verify the settings of your copied guides.
Step 1: Select your Guides
Navigate to the Guides page from the left-side navigation and select the guides you want to copy using the checkboxes next to each guide's name.
You can select all your guides simultaneously by selecting the checkbox at the top of the column.
Step 2: Select your target subscription and application
When you've selected your guides, Copy to Subscription appears at the top of the list, directly below the date range filter.
- Select Copy to Subscription.
- Select the target subscription and application from the dropdown menus.
- If there are no Pages and Features to map from your source application to your target application (Step 3), select Copy Guides in the bottom-right corner (Step 4).
We don't ask you to map your Pages and Features if:
- There are no Pages or Features in your target subscriptions. We automatically copy the Pages and Features over for you.
- We already know which Pages and Features are the same ones. We automatically map the Pages and Features for you.
Step 3: Map Guide Pages and Features
When a guide is copied to a new subscription, Pages and Features created in the process inherit the source guide’s existing Page and Feature rules. This is because the target application must have the correct Page and Feature rules to display the guides.
If a guide is copied to an application that doesn't have a Page or Feature identified in the source application, the rules can't be applied. In this scenario, you must use the mapping section to create or map the guide to target the right Page or Feature.
Copying guides to an application without existing Pages or Features
If you're copying guides to an application with no existing Pages and Features, we automatically create them for you so that they match the existing guide in your source application. This includes Pages associated with targeted Features.
Copying guides to an application with existing Pages or Features
If you're copying guides to an application with some, but not all, of the existing Pages and Features, you can select the options presented to you in the Mapping section to either:
- Create Pages and Features that match the Pages and Features the guides currently target.
- Map the Pages and Features to similar Pages and Features that exist in the target application.
Pages and Features in the Source Page and Source Feature columns don't exist in your target application. You can map these to new or existing Pages and Features in your target application. The copied guide's steps are then linked to the newly created Pages and Features, or the existing Pages and Features you've selected from the dropdown menus.
Features can be site-wide or page-specific. If the source Feature is page-specific, the newly created Feature preserves the Page association by tying it to an existing Page in the target application or creating a matching Page. If the Feature is specific to a non-existing Page in your target application, we automatically create that Page and link it to the Feature.
When selecting from a list of Features, if the source Feature is site-wide, the list only shows site-wide Features available in the target application.
Tip: Selecting Create New Page or Create New Feature re-creates the Page or Feature as a new Page or Feature in the target application. If multiple steps use this Page or Feature, only one Page or Feature is created. If the relevant Page or Feature already exists, select it from the list.
Step 4: Copy your Guides
Complete the bulk guide copying process by selecting Copy Guides in the bottom-right corner.
A loading bar displays how many of the total number of guides have been copied. The number displayed should match the number of guides you selected for copying.
If you choose to Create New Page or Create New Feature (based on existing rules), there is a Processing label under the newly created Page or Feature in the target application. You won't see data for Page or Feature Clicks (events related to Pages or Features) until the Page or Feature finishes processing. It can take up to an hour for the Page or Feature to process.
You can still change a guide’s status and segment if the Page or Feature is currently being processed.
Step 5: Review and verify copied settings
Copied guides default to a status of Draft and a segment of Everyone.
After processing is complete, navigate to your target subscription through the Subscriptions tab in the left-side navigation, find your guides, and check their statuses and segments.