Cross-App guides allow you to provide guidance across multiple applications. Cross-App guides are created by merging single application guides together. Badge guides cannot be included in Cross-App guides and Cross-App guides cannot be included as steps in other Cross-App guides.
Exclusive to Adopt Studio. Cross-App guides are not available in Visual Design Studio (VDS).
Both Adopt Admins and Users can create Cross-App guides.
Cross-App guides can only be accessed and configured with the Pendo Launcher extension, not with the Pendo snippet.
Create single-application guides
In order to create a Cross-App guide in Adopt, you first need to create single application guides using Adopt Studio. To create a single application guide, navigate to the Guides tab in the left hand navigation menu and then select "+ Create Guide" (4). You will then be prompted to name your guide, select the application to start from, and input the Guide Start URL. To learn more about creating a single application Guide, click here.
Once you’ve created the single application guides you'd like to merge together into a Cross-App guide, navigate to the Guides tab. Then select the guides you'd like to merge into the Cross-App guide by clicking on the checkbox next to their names (1, 2, 3). When you’ve successfully selected a guide, you will see the checkbox turn blue with a white checkmark.
Warning: Badge guides cannot be part of Cross-App guides. Badge guides are listed in the Activation column and they let you place a small icon next to an element on your page.
Selecting single application guides causes the “Create Cross-App Guide” button to appear above the Application column. Click "Create Cross-App Guide" to begin the Cross-App Guide creation process.
Note: You cannot include a Cross-App Guide in another Cross-App Guide. To determine whether a guide is a Cross-App guide or single application guide, check the Application column. Guides with multiple applications separated by commas are Cross-App guides. Single app guides only have one application listed.
Configure Cross App Guides
Once you click "Create Cross-App Guide" you land on the Create Cross-App Guide page shown below. On this page, name your Cross-App guide (1) and provide the URL for the first step of each guide (2) in the Guide App URL column. When you're ready, drag and drop the guides into the order you'd like them to appear to your users. The order of the guides is shown in the far-left "Order" column (3).
Tip: If the last step in any guide doesn’t have a Next button, Advance on Click is disabled and a Next button is created so your guide doesn’t break in the middle of the Cross-App guide. The Next button will take you to the next application.
Additional guides can be added to the Cross-App guide by selecting them from the "Add Existing Guide" (4) dropdown which appears underneath your last guide.
Once you've configured your Cross-App guide, and you're ready to create the guide, click "Create" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Your Cross-App guide is now created.
Note: Steps in each of the single application guides are duplicated into the Cross-App guide and your single application guides will have their status set to Draft.
Cross-App Guide Settings
Each guide step and application in the Cross-App guide is labeled in the Content section. In the screenshot below, you can see that Step 1 is a guide in Salesforce (1), Step 2 is a guide in Salesforce (2), and Step 3 is a guide in Google Sheets (3).
Underneath the name of the Cross-App guide, you can view the applications associated with the Cross-App guide. In this example, the applications are Salesforce and Google Sheets (4). On the Cross-App Guide Settings page, you can also schedule the guide’s start date and expiration date. The guide will be shown to your users on the start date and it will no longer be shown to users at the expiration date.
Note: Clicking on the "Edit" button (5) brings you back to the previous page. From there, you can reorder the steps in the guides or add additional guides. Note that the guide steps in your Cross-App are unnamed. New guides added to the Cross-App guide from this page will retain their name until you click “Save”.
Manage in My App
Clicking "Manage in My App" allows you to decide which application you'd like to launch with Adopt Studio. For example, if you select Step 2 - Jira (1), Adopt Studio will launch the second step in the Cross App guide and the Jira application.
Launching Adopt Studio
After launching Adopt Studio, Adopt Studio will open the guide step. From here, you can add steps to the existing guide, edit steps in the guide, or delete steps in the guide.
Note: You can edit steps in different applications, regardless of the application you're currently viewing. However, to add a step to application you must open that application via the "Manage In My App" button from the Guide Settings page.
Editing an Existing Step
Click "Edit Step" in Adopt Studio. You will then enter Editor Mode which will allow you to modify the Step.
Deleting an Existing Step
Click "Remove Step". You will then be prompted to confirm your intention of deleting the step.
Reordering Steps
If you reorder the last guide step in an application, and make the last step to be “Advance on Click” it will remain “Advance on Click'' until you save the Cross-App guide via the “Save & Publish” button in the top panel. At this point, Adopt Studio will disable “Advance on Click” and change it to a “Next” button.
Note: Guide steps can only be reordered within an application. Guide steps cannot be reordered between applications.
Add a new Step
Click "+ Add Step" and then select either a Tooltip or Lightbox. Tooltips are in-app messages that typically appear when users navigate to a specific area or perform a certain action in the product. A Lightbox is a customizable box that appears above your app or page. It can take on any size or dimension, as well as contain any type of content, such as text, images, or a video. Lightboxes can be used for almost anything, but are excellent tools to make general announcements.